A compliant gateway to the new digital economy built for bitcoin businesses.

Januar platform on a computer

Building the future
financial system

Parabolic met with a group of highly experienced and enthusiastic crypto and blockchain experts. Shortly after Parabolic co-founded Januar. It's been a ride taking the company from day zero when there was literally nothing to where the company is today.

Januar provides infrastructure for crypto businesses bridging the gap between the traditional centralised financial system and the new decentralised financial system. The company provides easy, compliant and secure access to crypto markets through its account and payment solutions.

With a flying start in 2021 Januar received a historic license from the Danish FSA and raised €1.6M from byFounders and industry experts. In 2022 the company went on to raise a €6M seed-round from international investors, which was the largest in Danish history at the time.

a fire hydrant standing in front of a wall with posters on it
a man carrying a black tote bag with a picture of a greek god
Color system of Januar
a black and white photo of a greek god called Janus
a screenshot of a computer screen with a black background

Born from the idea of an decentralized digital currency
and inspired by Roman mythology

The name Januar derives from the Roman God Janus. Janus is the God of beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings. He is usually depicted as having two faces. One looking to the past and one looking to the future.

Roman myth says that Janus was the first (among the gods or humans) to mint coins. We thought that was a pretty good name for what we set out to build with Januar.

a collage of people with the words crypto by people
three books sitting side by side on a white surface
januar summit keyhanger
Magazines next to each others
a group of four ipads
a set of four different shapes on a white background

Custom iconography for services
and product suite

A custom iconography collection was developed as a part of Januars services and product range. The collection helps create coherence throughout all offerings while giving them their own visual identity.

Each icon is carefully created and overly simplified to represent Januars comprehensive products and services. The green gradient plays a vital role by visualising the feeling of movement. The feeling of movement is different in each icon and signifies something unique related to the product it represents.

a text that reads a crypto first platform engineering for the future

An immersive digital experience with
animation as storytelling

Januar makes money movement seamless. We defined a strong animation language as a core element in Januars brand system. Through basic shapes and a compact color palette with an array of tones we are able to tell complex stories in simple way.

Januar Design System

Design system
built for scale

We built correctly from the start.

The core benefit of design systems is that it helps create a unified language that stays consistent between the design and development processes and eliminate repetitive tasks. Built for scale. By utilising a collection of resuable components and a set of guidelines the team can create thoughtful product experiences by a rapid pace.

an empty auditorium with a large screen and rows of chairs

Project Team:

Andreas Keinicke
Jeppe Volander
Dennis Vinther
Henrik Hedegaard
Christian Linde

Businesses operating within the digital asset space have had an extremely difficult time getting one of the most fundamental assets to business operations: a bank account.

Januar is not a bank, but solves this problem by offering IBAN business accounts to crypto businesses in Europe by use of its Payment Institution License, thereby bringing traditional fiat financial services to crypto companies. It is no longer a question of if, but a question of when.

Digital assets and decentralised transaction systems are faster, better, and cheaper, changing the way value moves between people and businesses globally. Europe, at the moment, is a suppressed and underserved market. Januar is changing that by offering crypto-friendly financial services for businesses across EEA.



